Monday, December 13, 2010

Uganda Summary & Relections/ Week 3-4 pictures

12/4 We had an absolute wonderful time in Uganda....very undeveloped  country,  but with such amazingly kind  and geneorous people. The WOMF/UGANDA or UCOM, teated us so well!  We experienced so much and  loved on the babies right up until the hour we left.   Jordan did not want to leave, but we had to move on to do  our volunteer work in Kenya

What's most revealing is to see  this country in "Africa" that is much different than what's portrayed in the media (TV and newsapapers). it's much much better than we expected As Jordan said "It's not at all how it is on TV.. the peple are very kind and not everybody is poor..In some ways it is better than the U.S". I also agree with him. Don't get me wrong, I've witnessed, first hand many travesties, some too horrible to put in writing.

But much what's keeping this country from moving forward is lack of infrastructure investment to provide adequate  health care for  life threatening  diseases and inadequate investment in basic municipal services(i.e, realiable and clean supply of water, good roads  and indoor plumbing,sewage treatment, power generation systems)

The next major issue is the death of the last 2 generations of  adult parents, due to the savage genocide years of Idi Amin's  leadership (1963-1986) and the lack medical care for curable an incurable diseases (1980- to current). This has left Uganda with greater than 50% of the population is less than 14 years old(that's 16 million children).  In fact, most people  under the age of thirty have been orphaned   and raised without one or both parents for most of ther lives. They lack parental nurturing and moral guidance.

The bright side is that these  young people are  resilient innovative, creative, self motivated and hard working people. Did I mention that they  are, very very smart!  In addition, they are very articulate and speak English better than most  of the Americans that I know. They are serious about getting a good education.   Despite the the quality of their education being unequal (especially the  poorest orphans).  they have high career aspirations. Jordan made many friends like this (i.e, Brian, Aaron, Mark, Julius, Paul, John).
Even those that are fortunate to get a college degree have trouble finding jobs. So many start their own small businesss and there are literally hundreds of thousands of small ramshackle businesses. Unfortunately,because lack of  infrastructure and poor business management skills  there is little finacial success and most are unable to afford adequate shelter. 

The final positive about Uganda is that this country is known as the Bread Basket of Africa! The soil and growing conditions are perfect for farming. Whether out in the village( bush country)  or in the "city" there is plenty of fresh food an people are well fed and fit. if  a person owns a plot of  land and they can grow all kinds of  tropical fruits(pineapples, mangoes, coconuts bannans of every kind,oranges) vegetables9 carrots, cabbage , potatoes) and a raise a variety of meats. In general the people are well nourished and fit from as walking the hilly terrain is a way of life .   The weather was a very pleasant (70-80F a)nd flowers were growing everywhere.   I often said that I felt like this region around Kampala Uganda was the "Garden of Eden) oddly mixed with undeveloped urban life). The economic growth in the region is good and there's huge business development opportunity here. It makes one want to go ....Hmmm!

We'll do our best to keep in towuch

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