Saturday, November 6, 2010

First days in Uganda

This is a truely blessed trip. Yesterday was our first  full day here at Segeku village about 20 min drive from Entebee airport and Lake Victoria and the presidenital palace.   Jordan says it feel like "home"  in his spirit. I agree. It's late  spring and very beautiful, bright red soil, green rolling hills, song birds all around and flowering trees and bushes. There are two sides of  city life here... some very rich, a lot of poor.  In the city english lteracy is high. Seven years of education is required , but there are no jobs for even for college graduates.

Yesterday, we spent time at the infant nursery all of the babies here have been abandoned and are recuperating from life threatening illnesses. The great thing is  Ugandan Government works very hard to reunite the infants with next of kin. So it is a temporary  hospice facility. Initally Jordan was very skeptical about holding the babies, but before long he was on the floor tickling and playing with them.  Jordan became especially fond of John, a 14 month old "brusier" with big round and healthy and loves to eat. His little legs are so fat and he began standing about two weeks ago  and has been at the orphange since he was 3 mos old. My favorit was grace, who is 9 mos old, but is the size of a 4 month old. When she arrive at the  3mos ago  at hte orphange whe was severly malnoursihed, had TB and pneumonia and could not even close her fingers. Yesterday she was  sitting up, holding  rattle anf hitting me with it, smiling. relatives have been located so she will be reunited with family

 We are  staying at the WOMF guest house, a wonderful  home which temporarily houses up to 18 individuals on missions as they venture out to rural villages visiting and checking-in on sponsored needy children at schools and orphanages, newly establisehd churches. This morning Jordan went with a small group of  indiviudals to visit a 600 child orphanage/school that is a very rough 3 hour drive away.  He was very excited, I could not go becuase of my back and prayed about my concern of letting him go without me and God answered that  it was  part of his plan for Jordan's "journey" here . They left  in the fog  at 6;00 am this morning. So I am at peace and will carry on my day with out him.. I will go down to the bible college and then over to the nursery and get to know, Ester our cook, the students at the collge, Rachel at the nursery. Plus the Ugandan driver of the van and  the recent graduate ofthe bible college said" we will take care of him " he is one of us....


  1. Sounds like Angels are watching over you all. I am smiling :-).

  2. Praying for you guys miss you! <3
