Saturday, November 20, 2010

Week 1 Pictures

This is me(Jordan) with baby Micheal at Bethany House. At first  I was not sure  how to hold babies. Now I spend time playing with them and spending  time with them and let them  sit on my lap. I even climb trees with  4 year old Seti and 5 year old sanjo(Joy). 
 Annette(Left) nanny at Bethany House and Ester (right)  our wonderful housemom at Segeku Guest House. This is sunrise over Masaka, Uganda.


  1. Fabulous pictures. It looks like Jordan has already grown since you both left. Bev. I see that beautiful smile. Great to see you guys are doing well. Looking forward to more updates from your adventure.

  2. Bev and Jordan, where is your next update, I love seeing you on your adventure! Praying for health, safety and days full of fun!
